Zen Reading of the Day

a moment of pause... a moment of tranquility... a moment of reflection... And, of course, a moment of rudeness, just to finish it off.

Location: Texas, United States

Mild-mannered by day, even more mild-mannered by night. On the weekends, so mild-mannered that I lose muscle-tone.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Found Zen Reading--Letter to the Editor

DISCLAIMER: At the risk of harshing everyone's zen reading buzz, I have to point something out. While the attentive reader (or even the barely conscious reader) will notice a politically or socially biased comment from time to time in My Thoughts Elevating to a Higher Plane, I have no ideological axes to grind in these pages. Wingnuts and moonbats, chuzzleheads and dunderpulls, all are welcome at Zen Reading of the Day. Our allegiance is to the spiritual, transcendental enlightment that can be found in the Reading of Zen, and all petty human differences are as one beneath that grand purpose.

So, Bobby Paul, whoever you are, no law suits, please. We're searching for truth here, buddy, and you can't find truth without breaking a few eggs.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled Zen Reading.

The following letter to the editor was published in the San Antonio News-Express today (Aug 16).

Laws apply to everyone

Re: Ellen Goodman's column "Flawed logic leads gay marriage fight" (Aug. 9):

How is legislation "treating straight and gay citizens differently"? The same legislation that has been instituted has been written for all people in this country.

Logic tells me that a cry for "equal rights" is pushing a cause for "special rights." If gay marriage is more right than heterosexual marriage, why hasn't it been proven scientifically? The same logic also tells me that without a man and a woman, there would be no homosexual.

Bobby Paul

My Thoughts Elevating to a Higher Plane:

Well, I'll agree that logic states that "a cry for 'equal rights' is pushing a cause for 'special rights'" if we agree that when Mr Paul uses the word "logic," he means "half baked assertion that arrived through a painful rectal birth."

Why hasn't "it" been "proven scientifically"? Hmmm. Good question. I guess it all depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is. Perhaps Mr Paul uses "it" to refer to the state of gay marriage being more "right" than heterosexual marriage, but that doesn't make sense because gay marriage is not currently legal here in the great state of Texas, and you don't need scientific proof to show that illegal situations are more "right" than legal situations. You need mind altering substances to make that case. (Which could explain a few things in Mr Paul's letter...)

"Logic" tells him that "without a man and a woman, there would be no homosexual." I can hear the conversation now: "Well, son, it's like this. When a man loves a woman, and they decide to spend the rest of their lives together, then a homosexual comes along. I know, Bobby, it's all kind of confusing, but you'll understand it when you grow up."

Is it possible that "Logic" is the name of the dog next door who talks to Mr Paul? If so, Mr Paul, it's OK to talk with Logic as long as you keep it political, but as soon as he starts dishing out his shit list and preferences for firearms, give the rest of us a bit of warning, OK?

Summer Vacation

Summer is over. Kids are going back to school, the leaves are turning.

Well, in my neighborhood, we don't have trees--thanks to builders whose first step is always bulldozing the acreage--but the shrubs are turning. And granted, it has more to do with the drought conditions around here than it does with the time of year, still, the leaves are turning, dammit!

And with these tell-tale signs that fall is approaching, slowly, lumbering... like a... thing... that lumbers... slowly... (fix it later), a not-as-young-as-he-once-was-but-then-again-who-is man's fancy turns back to Reading Zen.

How many posts will it last this time before the next lapse? If anyone wants to get a pool going, I call six. (Not counting this one.)